Corporate Members
Corporate Members
Many certified members work for financial institutions such as insurance, securities firms, and banks. Also, many of these financial institutions, which are the employers of those members, have been supporting JAFP's activities by being "corporate members." Apart from financial institutions, real estate companies and educational institutions, which offer JAFP registered education programs, have become our corporate members as well. To become a corporate member, a cooperation or organization must submit an application and pass the review process prior to being admitted and registered with JAFP.
Corporate Membership Requirement
Corporations and other organizations that join JAFP must agree with its mission, and support the business activities of JAFP.
Initiation Fee: None
Annual Membership Fee: 200,000 yen
Registered Educational Institutions
After becoming a corporate member, in order to become a registered educational institution and to offer the financial planning education programs according to the education standards and the "Study Guide" that are established by JAFP, an entity must submit an application and pass the review process that is conducted by JAFP.
Registered Educational Institutions Requirement
A JAFP registered educational institution must be a corporate member.
Initial Registration Fee: 1,100,000 yen
Annual Corporate Membership Fee: 200,000 yen
Annual Registration Fee: 110,000 yen
Special Registered Educational Institutions
Special registered educational institutions refer to higher educational institutions such as colleges and universities that offer in-class financial planning certification programs for the purpose of promoting financial planning education.
To become a special registered educational institution, an entity must submit the required documents such as the class curriculum that meet the education standards and the "Study Guide" established by JAFP, and pass the review process.